Each employer presents a portrait of an ideal employee differently since a set of his qualities is focused on the needs of a particular company and meets certain requirements. But there are competencies that most managers want to see in their employees. Let’s consider some features of the ideal employee that are most valued by today’s employers.
1. Diligence
There has been an interesting trend in the labor market lately: it is very difficult to find hardworking employees. Such a person clearly sees the goals set, respects his work, strives to achieve high results. Professional activity for him is regarded as an important part of life and a way of self-expression. The ability to perform seemingly simple things is a very valuable quality. There are few such people, so an employee with similar competencies is worth its weight in gold for the company.
2. Teamwork skills
All work processes are closely interconnected, even in the smallest company. The ability to be a part of a team, to understand its purpose, to work actively and conscientiously in one “chain” are precisely the competencies that management wants to see in its employees.
A conflict employee who argues, blames, creates discord, does not know how to find a common language with employees interferes with the work of the team. The ability to work in a team, “avoid” conflicts, create a favorable, friendly atmosphere are important competencies of an employee.
3. Striving for personal growth, development of professional qualities
For fruitful work in an organization, no doubt, a specialist needs to be highly professional. But this bar is constantly growing, and the employee must be ready for regular training. Moreover, regardless of age. If a person strives for self-improvement, self-learning, development, he is useful to the company and will grow with it.
4. Loyalty
Considering the portrait of the ideal employee, one cannot help but remember about loyalty. Commitment to the goals of the company is highly valued by the management. The ability of a person to share the rules of the company, to follow its principles and ideas are fundamental competencies. These employees deeply understand the values of the organization and perceive it as a reliable and long-term employer.
CEO of CRSTL identifies three strong competencies that an employee should have:
- Responsibility. The employee does not need to “bend” the task for himself. Machiavelli said so. The employee seeks to understand what is required of him, works “for the task”, but not for himself personally.
- Professionalism. In his specialization, in the circle of permanent responsibilities, the employee must be more competent, stronger than the leader. If an employee has nothing to learn from, he doesn’t need to work for this company.
- Conflict-free. A good employee should not “eat up” the energy potential of the team. Internal conflicts, solving problems, and disputes lead to a decrease in the productivity of employees, since there is little time left to create a product, and as a result, to make a profit.